Albright College




Success rate: More than 20% of graduates successfully apply to specialized training schools with 95% acceptance rate in Veterinary School, 87% in Medical School and 83% in other specialized training schools. 92% of Teaching graduates have passed the national test the first time.

Outstanding Curriculum: Albright College offers an interdisciplinary curriculum that encourages the integration of specialist knowledge and practical knowledge in the curriculum. The university is also committed to providing students with diverse lectures and a variety of hands-on opportunities including faculty research, study abroad, internships and cultural experiences.

Sports: Albright College is a member of the NCAA Division III Mid-Atlantic Conference. There are many sports for men such as Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Soccer, Golf, Lacrosse, Swimming, Tennis and track and field. Women’s sports include: Basketball, Cheerleader, Cross Country, Hockey, Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer, Handball, Swimming, Tennis, Athletics and Volleyball.

Rating & Inspection Status

  • Albright College is ranked among the top universities in Pennsylvania for return on investment in education. The school is ranked nationally for its 4-year liberal arts programs with strengths in the Arts, Natural Sciences and Business.
  • Albright College is regionally accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of Central America, the Association of Colleges and Schools. The school is also accredited by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Number of students

  • Total: 1,700
  • International: 4%

Admission Requirements

  • The school requires TOEFL or IELTS scores to demonstrate English language ability.

Tuition & Costs

  • Total cost: $46,560
  • The above costs include tuition fees, housing costs, meals, airport transfers, student management fees, security deposit.

Scholarships & Financial Aid

  • No


Albright College is a private, co-educational liberal arts college affiliated with the United Methodist Church. The school was established in 1965 and is located in Reading, Pennsylvania, USA.


All training programs are available at:

Collegiate Albright Institute was founded in 1985 and renamed Albright College three years later. Union Seminary became Central Pennsylvania College, and in 1902, it merged with Albright College. In addition, Schuylkill College, formerly known as Schuylkill Seminary, merged with Albright College in 1928. Albright College moved from Myerstown, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania to the Schuylkill College campus, which is Albright's current location, in foot of Mount Penn (Mount Penn) in the city of Reading.

The school is named after Pennsylvania-German Protestant preacher Jacob Albright, founder of the Evangelical United Brethren Church (later known as the Evangelical United Brethren Church). Born in 1759 in Douglass Township, Pennsylvania, (now Montgomery County) as Johannes Jacob Albrecht, his family changed his middle name to "Albright" after Jacob's death in 1808.

Enrollment cooperation with CTM Education partner.