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BCA Group is committed to providing the best consulting services on company division, separation, merger or acquisition, and meeting customers’ requirements.

During the business operation, many companies are inclined to divide, separate, acquire or merge with other organizations.

When there is a need to establish new businesses on the basis of inheriting the rights and obligations of an existing company, and at the same time terminating the existence of the old company, we carry out the procedures for dividing the enterprise.

When there is a need to establish one or more new enterprises on the basis of transferring part of the assets, rights and obligations of the existing company to the new company, without terminating the existence of the old company, we carry out the business separation procedure.

Business division, separation, merger is a complicated procedure. BCA Group is committed to providing the best consulting services on division, separation, merger or acquisition, meeting the requirements of customers.

Company Division/Separation Consulting

1. Consulting legal regulations:

– Conditions for company division/separation based on the law and company’s regulations.
– Authority over company division/separation decision.
– Procedures and methods for dividing company’s assets.
– Employee’s rights based on the labour law.
– Rights and obligations of the divided/separated company and the new company.
– The process of implementation and methods for dividing/separating the company.
– Build operating regulations for the divided/separated company and the new company.
– Other relevant information.

2. Drafting and completing dossiers on company division/separation:

– Decision and the minutes of the meeting on company division/separation.

– Dossiers for enterprise registration (business registration).

– Draft of company’s regulations.

– List of company’s shareholders (members).

– Other relevant documents.

3. Implementing procedures on behalf of customers:

– Submit and receive the Certificate of business registration and tax registration at Department of Planning and Investment.
– Follow the process and announce the dossier’s result.
– Register the seal and announce its validity.
– Populate information on the National Portal.


When there is a need to establish one or more new enterprises on the basis of transferring part of the assets, rights and obligations of the existing company to the new company, without terminating the existence of the old company, we carry out the business separation procedure.

Company Acquisition Consulting

1. Consulting legal regulations on enterprise acquisition:
– Procedures for General Meeting of Shareholders (Members) of each company to approve the acquisition contents.

– Acquisition contract and approve the acquisition contents.
– Acquistion procedures and conditions; Methods for the use of labour.
– Duration, procedure and conditions for transferring assets, capital contribution, shares, bonds of the acquired company into those of the acquiring company.
– Acquisition duration; Establish regulations for the acquiring company…

2. Completing dossiers on enterprise establishment:

– The minutes, decision of Members’ Council (General Meeting of Shareholders) on the acquisition.
– The valid copy of the Certificate of business registration (business registration) of the acquired and acquiring companies.
– Certificate of business registration (business registration); The members/shareholders’ list; Company’s regulations…

3. Implementing procedures on behalf of customers:

– Submit the dossier to change business registration.
– Help deploy company (enterprise) acquisition procedure.
– Follow the process and announce the result of the submitted dossier.
– Receive the Certificate of business registration and tax registration at Department of Planning and Investment.
– Submit the seal registration and business’ seal at an authorized agency.
– Get the company’s seal and announce its validity.
– Populate information on the National Portal.

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