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Antigua &Barbuda Settlement By Investment

What is Antigua & Barbuda Settlement by Investment Program?

With the Antigue Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program, which is in the list of programs allowing for second citizenship at AIMS, investors can easily get this national passport after only 2 – 4 months of application processing, allowing visa-free travel to more than 150 countries, including the European Union, Schengen area, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong.

To participate in the program, investors can choose one of the following forms:

  • Contribute to the National Development Fund: 100,000 USD
  • Invest a minimum of $200,000 in one of the Government-approved real estate development projects for 5 years.



  • Donate $100,000 to the government
  • Invest $200,000 in real estate


  • 5 days in the first 5 years

Other requirements:

  • No age limit, no criminal record. No qualifications, experience or foreign languages ​​are required. No financial proof is required.