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Having long possessed a long-standing tertiary education, the UK currently has three top universities: the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge and Imperial College London, all of which are in the top 10 of the most prestigious schools in the world. This is also the place to “nurture” some eminent “brains” of the world such as Tim Berners-Lee (the Internet creator) and Stephen Hawking (a person contributing the knowledge about black holes, space and time).


Courses in England have been globally recognized for its excellence, diversity, quality, teaching staff, high-qualified officials and cutting-edge facillities. Those features will hands down bring you many amazing experiences in United Kingdom, one of the world’s top teaching centers.

The prevalent universities in the UK are globally well-known for its creative teaching methodologies and high level of academic standard. The world-famous libraries, high-qualified teaching staff, and out-of-the-box research will leverage the most of your competency, not only in the learning environment but also in the outside world.


United Kingdom is a great diversity of cultures, connecting each other by a consistent traditions and identity. Regardless of any genres of music, sport, art or your favorite types of food, you can always find them in United Kingdom.

If a fast-paced life is your cup of tea, you should opt to study in bustling cities of the UL, but if you are into a peaceful life with nature, studying in towns or in the suburbs should be on your list.


Education in United Kingdom provides values that worth spending money. Although the annual school fee in United Kingdom can exceed those of other countries, its certificates are far more appreciated in the world’s market. In addition, the length of the courses here is usually shorter than that of other nations, hence cheaper total studying costs. Moreover, thanks to the shorter duration of courses in United Kingdom, students will enter the industry and earn money earlier than their peers studying in other countries.

Other than that, the benefits and incentive policy that international students get can help reduce their daily costs. As a member of National Federation of Students, students can save up to 50% every fee from books to recreational activities. Besides, all international students in the UK staying for over 6 months can benefit from a free-of-charge health insurance through the national health service. Therefore, you don’t have to count health insurance fee as part of your studying abroad budget.

  • The average fee for a postgraduate graduate diploma (1 year): US$ 29,802
  • The average fee for an undergraduate degree (3 years): US$ 53,808
  • The average fee for one-year college (foundation): US$ 13,491


Courses in United Kingdom provides you skills, certifications and the relationships you need for your chosen job. Besides, certificates in United Kingdom are highly valued by recruiters across the world, which gives you a huge competitive advantage when handing in your application form.