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British Columbia (B.C.) is a province with universities, colleges, tuition fees and favorable job opportunities. In which, Semi-Skilled: semi-professional settlement program

This group is for people with skills that match the recruitment needs of businesses in B.C. This program is designed for people who want to work or live in B.C. and thereby become a Canadian citizen. Candidates for the program must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Entry Level and Semi-Skilled: workers in the hospitality and tourism industry, food processing and long-distance road transport, or those employed in the Northeastern B.C. developed region.

These are the minimum requirements. If a candidate meets these requirements, it does not mean that they will be invited to apply for permanent residence (Apply PR) or be granted a state nomination. Except if the candidate meets all of the following requirements:

  • The candidate is offered a job full-time and indefinite by a company, and you must agree to the job (except for International Post-Graduate).
  • The candidate must be qualified for the position for which you are employed. Candidates can refer to the NOC National Occupational Classification, or WorkBC, or industry standards to determine the minimum qualifications for the job.
  • The salary received must be competitive with the salary normally paid for the same job.
  • For occupations in groups B, C, and D (in the NOC table), candidates must demonstrate language proficiency (English or French) at Level 4 of the Canadian Language Benchmark 2000. If candidates submit Singles in group 0 or A are not needed. However, B.C. The PNP may require the provision of recognized and valid language test results to demonstrate that candidates meet the language competence for the position for which they are employed.
  • Candidates must have a minimum income sufficient to support themselves and their dependents. Do not own more than 10% of shares in the company in which the candidate receives the job offer.