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Settlement by investment in Visa 132

Australia has an investment program for Talented Entrepreneurs (Business Talent visa – Subclass 132) – designated by the State Government, receiving permanent residence cards directly without having to go through the temporary visa stage like subclass 188. Visa 132 allows the applicant and his family to go directly to permanent residency in Australia for successful business owners who want to invest and do business in Australia.

There are 2 types of investment visa 132 Australia including:

1. Significant Business History Stream, requires the applicant to:

  • Have the total personal and business assets of at least AUD 1.5 million and be able to move to Australia within 2 years of being granted a visa.
  • Possessing a total net worth of AUD 400,000 equivalent to an ownership stake in one or more businesses for at least two of the four years preceding the application, and if the business is listed on the stock exchange, own at least 10% of the total capital.
  • Total annual turnover of at least AUD 03 million for at least 02 of the 04 years before applying.
  • Minimum investment is AUD 1.5 million, invest in a new business or an existing business in Australia.
  • The program does not require an English certificate and has no age limit.

2.The Venture Capital Entrepreneur Stream, requires Applicants:

  • Must have received at least $1 million in funding from an Australian venture capital firm.
  • The funding must be for the start-up, product commercialization or business development of a potentially high-value business idea.
  • The venture capital firm must be a member of the Australian Association and Private Ventures (AVCAL).
  • The applicant has signed a formal agreement with the venture capital firm for funding.

For each of the above investment immigration programs, you can apply for Australian citizenship if you live for at least 3 years out of 4 years and do not leave Australia for more than 90 days in the year immediately before you apply for Australian citizenship.